"To change the artist's work into singapore style". Designer is tasked to change an existing artist's work in museum into a similar work but related to Singapore.
This idea is derived from some elements of Singapore. It consists of 4 colours and 5 glasses which symbolised the 4 races in Singapore and the 5 aspects of Total Defence.

These glasses are the ones we seen in Singapore coffee shops. The teaspoons are positioned in how we hold the glasses.

All the spills represent how busy Singaporeans are - stir fast and hard, drink and go. Each colours spill also mean Singaporeans moving out to look for jobs.

They are arranged within a Merlion symbol and have an inverted Merlion body texture to show that the bodies are not on top of the head which means we are” viewing from the bottom” – Up skirt.

It is a nice romantic candle light for couples to enjoy meals at home. Singapore has low birth rate. It would be good if artwork representing Singapore can concern Singapore’s issues too.


To change an existing artist's work into similar artwork that relates to Singapore.
