Cats in Myth
Expressing Emotion with Color Theory

This project I wanted to tie cat's with a certain emotion of how they were portrayed in that time period.
This was for a Skillshare class for expressing emotion with color theory.

Here were parts of my process
What I choose was:
    •    14th-18th Century Europe Witch Hunts - Resentment
    •    Norse Goddess Freya's Cats - Fortitude
    •    Japan's Maneki-Neko - Adoration
    •    Greek Mythology Galanthis - Shame

At the start I wanted to create speech bubble emoticons.
However, during sketching I did both speech bubbles and cat faces!
Choose to go with 6 colors for each of my illustrations!
I still created the cat heads first, but afterwards used the silhouettes later on to make images inside them.
Here are the icons/portraits for my cats!
Six colors I realized was a lot to work with, but I like how these turned out.
Here are all 4 of my designs editing in Photoshop.
I used a lot of heavy strokes, but feel they worked in my favor at the time.
Hope you all like!

Cats in Myth

Cats in Myth

Vector/Photoshopped Illustration for Color Theory Project
