This is my glazing project i haven't yet glazed it since it is still greenware. But the first step i took in making this project is getting wedged clay and making a slab.I then got a mold and put the slab on top to cut out the shape of it. Once i cut out the shape i took it out of the mold and created striped using the scrape tool. I liked how the tool created a deep line which looks pretty nice. Now I'm just waiting for my piece to get fired and i will glaze it with various colors. My piece is finally fired and it came out great. I have many things i like about it like the glazing and the patterns that the deep lines created. But one thing i didn't like is how i thought that there were going to be actual crystals because of the glaze. But other than that i liked how everything turned out.
Glazing project

Glazing project
