Project realized for the competition "Cinema Arena Borghesi 2016".
The brief was to design the catalogue cover for the summer film exhibition of the Arena Borghesi cinema in Faenza, in the year 2016.
The film review was dedicated to the theme of the outskirts.

In order to find a meeting point between cinema and the required theme, I decided to take the actress and icon, Sophia Loren, as my subject and to combine her with pieces of reality taken from the urban periphery.
Graffiti, cement and factories become textures and an integral part of the composition, combining photography and illustration.


Progetto realizzato per il concorso “Cinema Arena Borghesi 2016”.
Il brief prevedeva la realizzazione della copertina del catalogo per la rassegna estiva del cinema Arena Borghesi di Faenza, dell’anno 2016.
La rassegna era dedicata al tema della periferia.

Per trovare un punto d’incontro tra cinema e il tema richiesto ho deciso di prendere come soggetto l’attrice e icona, Sophia Loren e di accostarla a pezzi di realtà presi dall’area periferica urbana.
Graffiti, cemento e fabbriche diventano così texture e parte integrante della composizione, unendo così fotografia e illustrazione.
Suburban Sophia


Suburban Sophia

This is a project I made for a contest announced by a cinema. The theme required were the outskirts. I decided to put together the figure of an i Read More
