Olivia Kwiatkowski's profile

"Trimming Laces" Movie Branding

In this movie poster and advertisement case study, I took a close look at the elements of what draws in audiences to see a film without knowing the plot. I invented a mock film called "Trimming Laces," branding it with my own photography and demonstrating the look over multiple platforms. The sans-serif, tall, type gives the dated-looking costume of the heroine a contemporary feel. The lack of setting and the single use  buzz words in review lets the film have an aura of intriguing mystery and beauty.

School: Pratt Institute
Creative Advisor: Max Shuppert
Year: 2018

Alternative poster design without credits
Subway advertisement with reviews
Work in progress photos and exploration of the films brand identity
"Trimming Laces" Movie Branding

"Trimming Laces" Movie Branding

Faux movie photography for "Trimming Laces"
