For some reason (masochism, probably) I've committed myself to making at least ten images a week for Bambu.

This is bordering on madness since, like anyone in a creative field, I just don't damn well feel like it all the time.

Anyway, it's a great opportunity to try different styles, a few of which are shown below. (And if you're an artist reading this and you want to have your work in Bambu, click that little link below).

Yes, this one.
"Black Forest"
I've always loved the 'grainy greyscale 3D' look. (Check out the wonderful animation, Jojo in the Stars). Here's my attempt at doing something a bit Christmassy, but still slightly creepy.
"Broken Egg"

I'm fascinated by how much expression you can give something just by sticking eyes on it (alright, and legs). I think this is quite cute. It's also a bit sad of course - without any arms anywhere to be seen, there's really no way the broken egg will get a hug.

I'm... getting... emotional...
"American flag"

I love 3D rendering things. I'm not really very good, but I like it anyway. I made loads of flags for Bambu and found ti surprisingly difficult to make them look good. Doing them at a jaunty angle and applying a diffused glow seemed to do the trick though.
"Dancing Heart"

Clearly I'm going for a Japanese look here. I'm quite pleased with it - and judging by the amount of downloads this one gets in Bambu, clearly a lot of people enjoy it too. I've enormous respect for anyone that produces work in a Japanese style; simple art can often be the most difficult.
"Attracted To U"

I love typography. I always wanted to study it further but, alas, there's never enough time. Anyway, this is my favourite of all the 'wordy' images in Bambu (at least, the ones I've done). I think it's quite effective. And you can't really go wrong with Futura.
"Opened a Can of Worms"

I draw worms everywhere I can. They're wonderful. So, here's a can of worms... a bit silly, but I was pleased with how it turned out and I love the colour scheme.
"Howdy Devil"

This was just a little sketch I scanned and coloured in Illustrator. I love the whole idea of the Devil being friendly but with a bit of cheekiness in the face. Here he looks quite smug, which I like. I'm pleased with the colours especially on this one.
"Jurassic Pork"

Two things I love. Films and puns. I'm sure this sort of thing has been done a hundred times before...

< checks Google Images >

...okay, a million times before. But anyway, I think this works quite well. Pigs are scary most of the time I think, more so when prehistoric.
"Unicorn Poo"

This is a bit of a departure in style for me. I have to hold myself back from adding shadows to things and I'd never normally use the font, Cooper, but I thought I'd try something different. It's popular on Bambu - the fourth most used wallpaper. I'm pleased with it - and there's just something funny about the idea of a unicorn poo.

Poo is funny, alright?!
"Monster Party"

The #1 wallpaper download on Bambu! You can't beat lots of stupid monsters. People love monsters. I really want to animate this one day... I'll add it to the list.
"Stupid Pumpkin"

I did this for a limited edition Halloween set of images. The original was on white so this was a bit of experimentation but I really love it. I'm always fascinated by how you can remove obvious features (like the orange body of pumpkin) and have it stay recognisable. I also just love stupid faces; a blessing given what I have to see every morning in the mirror.
"Party Worm"

I'm not sure whether this is really awful or not but I got a set of wonderful Letraset Tria markers and I wanted to make something silly with it. I chose a worm because (as you may have seen above) I like drawing worms. It was scanned and I added the text and funked it up a bit in Illustrator.
Bambu: art

Bambu: art

Some of my favourite self-made art from the Bambu app.
