Andersson Bell Flagship Store

Andersson Bell Flagship Store
A Korean fashion brand, Andersson Bell's first flagship store, designed and directed by Creative Studio Unravel is a collaborative project of various artists, who have experimented and applied unusual materials into interiors, bringing people to an unexpected space.
The space for a fashion brand Andersson Bell was designed to be empty, which indeed was composed of various elements to explore. It was divided into sections based on works of different artists while each section is connected to one another. Artists Le-Dongil and Kiseouk Cho and a fabric brand Fivecomma have collaborated to fill up the space disguising the clothes as a part of contemporary artworks. Selection of unusual materials has created an exuberant quality space instead of bringing a sense of detachment.
Walls of stainless steel turn into doors and each door leads to the “artist's room” and a changing room. When a narrow door of the changing room is opened, a person can see oneself in multiple mirrors. Customers in the changing room may experience unusual and unexplainable excitement when getting off the clothes. The cave-like space reflecting Andersson Bell's identity was inspired by a virtual world.

TYPOLOGY   Commercial/Fashion Flagship Store
LOCATION   38, Seolleung-ro 153-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 
SIZE   108m2(32PY)
CLIENT   Andersson Bell
INVOLVEMENT   Concept Design, Construction
STATUS   Completed
TIMELINE   April, 2017
MATERIAL   Floor: Pea Gravel, Carpet / Wall: Cotton Spray, SUS Hairline, Mirror / Ceiling: Cotton Spray, Water Paint
COLLABORATION   Furniture: Ledongil / Artwork: Giseok, Choi / Rug: Fivecomma
PHOTOGRAPHY   Sunghoon, Han

Andersson Bell Flagship Store

Project Made For

Andersson Bell Flagship Store


Creative Fields