...Left the house he to convey: 
"Brothers and sisters, it is the end of the world 
Fuck! no one can escape, 
Everything is dying! Future is not!"

© Ugol (Fichev)
«The deaf-blind prophet»
Wir sind des Geyers schwarzer Haufen, heia hoho,
Und wollen mit Tyrannen raufen, heia hoho...

Wir sind des Geyers schwarzer Haufen»
To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep...

© William Shakespeare
And that's not why you hesitate., 
That you opponent of evil, but because, that 
You afraid to do evil with your hand..

© William Shakespeare
It is a war.
One thing betrayal – is by no means the price
For peace.

© Jeanne d'Arc
 Der Tod reit't auf einem lichten Schimmel,
Schön wie ein Cherubin vom Himmel..

© Der Tod In Flandern
 The deer - the branching antlers,
Where do you rush and call me to?
Where God is witness, beast - the steed,
And forest whispers...

© Evgeny Bachurin
Holy bastards

Holy bastards

Creative photo project. created on the verge of a stylistic trends of the postmodern and the pre-Raphaelite.
