Dominic White's profile

Community Outreach Project

After the briefing was delivered, a small introduction into the organization was given by the Manager of the Reaboka Foundation. A background into their products and craft techniques were also presented.
Field research then commenced. An exploration of their working environments were taken to further gain information on their working stations, deliverables, work load division etc. An insight into their material availability was also noted during the visit to the first location.
At the second location, located in the Siyathemba community, the working environment was noted as part of our project to find any implementation to further the work area as well as expand on their deliverables. Although possible areas of interventions were noted during both visits. Images and notes were taken to utilize later on during the research phase.
Research boards were compiled using the images and information gathered during the visits to find possible solutions and implementations. Further research then also commenced on how to improve their current product ranges as well as their marketing strategies. All the information was gathered to gain a broad spectrum of avenues that I wished to explore.
Once a thorough understanding of all the possible avenues available was gained, a couple of brainstorming sketches were done to identify the avenues I found most interesting and could do the most with.
The avenues I found of most interest were the baby mobiles, multipurpose wristband (doubling as a coffee cup sleeve), phone pockets/ sleeve, anthropomorphic money pouches, chair bag, paper machè masks, portable work bench and water catchments. These avenues were chosen to either expand their children's range as well as modernize the current range. The other were to further their work experience.
Conceptualization of all the avenues were then done to narrow down the avenue with the most merit. The chair bag and money pouch were chosen as well as incorporating a pencil case design. These were then combined into a stationery starter pack product range as all items were targeting young children.
With the concepts in mind further research followed to gain a clear understanding of the approaches taken in previous and existing designs. Closing mechanisms were also research to see the various capabilities available. Three animal directions from the conceptualizing phase were chosen and further images and profiles compiled for later use.
Ideation started with the money pouch as it had the most complexity due to its size and features. Various animal shapes were tested throughout all the design directions to see which animal reference had the most merit. Mock-ups were made to test the comfortability as well as see the design in 3D. After all three avenues were explored on page and with mock-ups the elephant design was chosen to use onward.
Development of each individual item then commenced. Prototyping notes were made beforehand to follow when modeling. During the process notes were also taken down on possible flaws and considerations to keep in mind moving forward. Various material and locking mechanisms were tested where from one was chosen. Form giving then followed and one final direction was then chosen.
For the pencil case design it was decided to rather design a cover to slip over the actual pencil case than redesign a whole new pencil case. With this in mind the modeling begun. Material testing commenced followed by form giving. Notes were once again taken down during the process. A final direction was then chosen.
Due to the size and material availability so early in the process only one mock-up was made at the time. Once the mock-up was completed notes were taken down as well as improvements made on the overall design. A suggestion was given to explore baby illustration as the literal features were to complex and could come across as intimidating.
The suggestion was taken and baby illustrations were explored. The three avenues were then redesigned and altered with this in mind. As seen once the image was finalized on page, mock-ups were made followed by the development models.
Notes with flaws and possibilities were then made regarding the development prototypes. Refinement then commenced to improve on the flaws and further the design possibilities. The designs were the finalized on page and presentation pages done for each.
Templates for each design direction were then made to utilize in the production of the final prototype.
The templates were used to cut out each respective material. Once each feature was cut, the items were sewn together in a sequence which will later be noted. Above is the final chair bag design outcome in a shot alone and in use. 
The same process was repeated with the pencil case cover and 2 marketing shots taken.
Once again the same steps were undertaken to design the money pouch with the added process of attaching the rope through the design. Marketing shots were then taken from 2 angles.
Once all the final prototypes were made and finalized a manual guide was compiled to be used as a instruction guide on how to reproduce all the respective items. Herewith all the cardboard templates were highlighted, the material and its respective colours, the sewn sequence, a final sketch outlook, digital outlook and a marketing shot was included for each deliverable. 
Here is a compiled, succinct summation of the design process followed to conceptually design a chair bag, pencil case cover and money pouch.                                                                                                                     

For me personally this was an interesting project to engage with a community as it allowed me the opportunity to learn and develop more skills. It also gave me a slight insight into designing for a specific client and catering to their needs and budget rather than working off of my own. This project also furthered my skill of designing with a client and having consistent consult rather than designing basing off of my own preconceptions. 
Community Outreach Project