Cyanotype project
   Design Process STAGE 1: Understand the Problem

1. Consider what the goal is for your Cyanotype?
To have a image that has enough detail to see all the qualities in it. I also need to make sure that it has both black whites and grays. I want a image that is interesting and will draw people to it.

What is a cyanotype and what is unique about them (other than they are blue)?
- They are exposed by the sun 
- You can choose how and where you paint them
- You can choose how long to expose it for
- Before they are exposed they are bright yellow

Design Process STAGE 2: Research and Investigate

Who is John Herschel? 
- He is a mathematician, astronomer, chemist, inventor, and experimental photographer
 Who is Anna Atkins?
- English botanist and photographer first person to publish a book illustrated with photographic images
How are you going to create a Cyanotype?
- I am going to choose my negative 
- Get a picture with lots of values 
- Choose something with lots of texture 
- Im going to paint my paper in class with the chemicals that my teacher provides
- I'm going to keep it in the dark room until I expose it
- On a nice sunny day Im going to go out during class and expose my image 

What do you need to do for this process?
- I kind of explained up above but I am going to paint my paper 
- Then go outside on a sunny day and expose my 3 sheets of paper
- I need to think about how long to expose it for
 Design Process STAGE 3: Generate Possible Solutions

3. Use your own personal passions as Inspiration
What do you enjoy to photograph?
I really like to photograph flowers and I love the way that they look. I also like to photograph anything outside. I like outdoor images. 

Explore cyanotype inspiration from other photographers. Which cyanotypes interest you the most and why?
I have looked at other photographers and I really like ones of leafs and ones that have lots of texture in them. I also like when not the whole picture is painted and there is only the middle portion painted. 

Below are some images that I looked to and they are not super detailed but I really like leafs and outdoor images
  Design Process STAGE 4: Plan and Develop Best Solution

Plan out a couple of shoots to create some possible images for your own cyanotype negative to be printed
- Some of my options are flowers I really like how they look. 
- I have images below that I tried and the top one is my final one
- I tried lots of flowers 
- I also tried a leaf
- I didn't really like how the other images looked I felt like the top image had the most detail 
- I am going to paint my images in a different way I want them to all be different
  Design Process STAGE 6: Test and Evaluate
7. Self-reflect on your final composition
I like how my image turned out 
It was hard to figure out because the sun wasn't the same on all of the days I did them

self-reflect and carefully evaluate your successes and difficulties?
I wish I would have done them all on the same day so I knew how the sun was and how long to expose it for.
What are the prints strength & weaknesses
I think that I painted really well My last image was my worst painting because it had a lot of blobs on it so it was hard to wash off.
Do you want or need to give it another try?
I like how my image came out If I could I would like to do 2 more on the same day so I know what to expect and how to make it better. 
  Design Process STAGE 7: Produce
- I felt like this project went very well and that it was a fun project
- Lighting
- How long I exposed it 
- If people casted a shadow on it
what you learned
-It is kind of hard to know how long to expose a image
-I want to do it all on the same day next time 
-I didn't notice how hard it would be to guess how long it should be exposed for



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