Marissa Korda's profile

Nasty Woman Brigade

Nasty Woman Brigade

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The Nasty Woman Brigade started with an Instagram post and ended with a donation of over $3,000 to Planned Parenthood.

Before the 2016 American election, I created the first Nasty Woman Brigade badge. It was just a Photoshop doodle that I excitedly made the week before what I thought would be the election of the first female president. In shock after Donald Trump’s win, I posted it on Facebook and Instagram with an entirely different message.

“When I created this a week ago, it was just a fun little graphic. Overnight, it’s not anymore.

This election has made me feel my gender more acutely than ever before. In ways I don’t want to have to. There are thousands of people out there who feel the same way about their religion, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.

Today I feel completely flattened. I am sad and scared. But I also recognize that it is more important than ever to never hide who we are and to claim the space we deserve. For all of us who are told we are too loud, too bossy, too bitchy, too nasty – it’s time we stopped letting those words hold us back. You are not alone. We are stronger together. Love still trumps hate.

We are down but not out. Wear this with pride because nasty women get things done.”
The post started gaining traction in several Facebook groups, getting over 700 likes and 300 comments in less than a day. Seeing an opportunity to turn the post-election anger and fear into something positive, I had the badges made and started selling them on Etsy to raise money for Planned Parenthood.
My badges were also purchased for resale in several prominent stores, including Juxtapose, Coal Miner’s Daughter, Victoire Boutique, Likely General, and North Standard Trading Post.
100% of proceeds are donated to Planned Parenthood, and to date I’ve sold over 500 badges and raised over $3000.

Join the Brigade! Get your badge here.
Nasty Woman Brigade