Emmett T Harrison's profile

Practice | Memorial Garden + Columbarium

"A single idea, beautifully phrased."
                                                                                                                     -Edwin Lutyen
This concept for a columbarium for a community church was inspired by the Old Testament story of Elisha saying goodbye to his friend and mentor, the prophet Elijah. As the two approached the spot where Elijah would be taken away, the very landscape itself parted before them at the River Jordan, creating a threshold that the two would cross together, but that Elisha would return from alone.
The design builds on the spatial cues of the narrative, providing a threshold to be crossed as the bereaved carry the remains of their loved ones to their final resting place. The sensation of walking on wood changes to that of stone, and the sounds of the nearby streets grow distant as the site wall rises to enclose the sacred space.
As one emerges from the columbarium, they are gently reminded Elisha's experience, who returned alone, but with a "double-portion" of his friend's spirit.
Practice | Memorial Garden + Columbarium

Practice | Memorial Garden + Columbarium

Design for a memorial landscape and columbarium, derived from the Old Testament story of Elijah and Elisha found in 2 Kings, Chapter 2. The desig Read More
