It´s all about the different facial expressions in this photo. School activities in the city of Yendi, Ghana.
If you ask me, the difference between New York and London can be appreciated by looking at the artist in this photo and the one in the photo below. Made in USA.
If you ask me, the difference between London and New York can be appreciate by looking at the artist in this photo and the one on the photo above. Made in England.
The wave was faster than this little girl and her dress did get wet. La Jolla beach can be a bitch.
Just because of the billboard on top of her head, I will forever believe her dreams did and are coming true!
She was not posing for me but I did not care! Salisbury, England.
Even though there are at least 18 bodies in this photo (14 chickens and 4 humans) you can only see one face, the face of the one person who's body you can´t see. Chinatown in NY.
Parisians cycling around their beautiful city.
An African baby starring at the Atlantic Ocean. First time I saw the Atlantic ocean from the other end.
These two ladies stood right in front of the statue of those two ladies in front of the National Theater in London. I had to.
For 10 CUC (Cuban currency) you get to be driven around La Habana and see all there is to be seeing. Not so expensive but if you want to make the most of your investment, listen to the stories your driver has, most are men between 40-60 years old and have lived in a very particular country, you may never get the chance to talk to someone who have lived communism. 
It´s true what they say about sunsets in California, everything around you gets golden. This group of people were sat in the best spot so I guessed second best spot was behind them. 
Her dress tone was so striking that caught my eye at a distance, I had the time to sit under the bridge, take out my camera, and capture this image without her noticing, or so I think. Under a bridge in Paris.  
I took this one with my cell phone but it is still one of my favorites. I was in a bus in Ghana and this stunning African woman passed us by; for a split second there you almost did not notice her beautiful daughter. I have always admired strong women and she exudes nothing but power and pride.
It was a long time wish of mine to take a photo of the famous Las Vegas sign. Tragically, I had the chance to do it 7 days after 59 people died and 851 were injured. Human caused disasters are the worst, may we do better as a race.
People Around Earth

People Around Earth

Photos of people around the word.
