Eli Makani's profile

"Insect Invasion" - small ballpoint pen drawings

Insect Invasion
Giant fantasy insects, accompanied by a small human figure, inhabiting a common, open expanse.

Although these began as a fun exercise/study without a real goal or objective, I came to understand each insect as an individual manifestation of my imagination (I have always been fascinated by bugs), wandering alongside my psyche in the seemingly infinite realm of my mind.

All are small scale drawings created with ballpoint pens and white charcoal, on 5.5" x 8.5" Strathmore Toned Tan paper.​​​​​​​
"Insect Invasion" - small ballpoint pen drawings


"Insect Invasion" - small ballpoint pen drawings

Small ballpoint pen and white charcoal drawings, featuring semi-realistic illustrations of giant fantasy insects.
