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Printing Process Handbook

For this project, I had to collect substrate samples and create a printing process handbook to put them in, with its outcome being visually inviting without distracting from the information.
Starting with sketches, I drew out different layouts to decide what design I wanted to use. I wanted to go with a more modern, memphis-esc style, so I sketched out some layouts in such a style until I got something I liked. My design was to have transparent triangles of red, blue and yellow overlapping on the title and contents pages, and for the rest to have a yellow triangle on the outside, and if it's the left page it has larger and smaller red triangles overlapping on the inside edge, and if it's the right page it has the same thing accept the triangles are blue. For pages with no content and were just for filling space I made them have the same layout as the other pages except with a large triangle, red for right pages and blue for left pages, taking up the majority of the whitespace on the page. As for the covers, I made the front cover have a yellow vertical bar on the left and right sides with the word print typed vertically in the center, and put a red plastic cover over it with an S-like shape cut out of it to show the cover both through the clear red and also uncovered; I made the back cover have a centered diamond shape made of blue and yellow overlapping triangles with my initials at the center of it, and then I covered it with red plastic that I cut a bar out of going diagonally from the top right to the bottom left.
In making this book, my goal was to put together a book that showed the printing process and all that goes with it, including samples and images of various paper types, bindings, finishes, techniques, etc. This project is meant to be something to look back on later in my career, not only to serve as a reference, but to also serve as a sample of what I’m capable of as a graphic designer.

After sketching out my ideas, I took to indesign and started to make my pages with their layouts. I put in all the text, using mainly Bodoni 72 and Phosphorus Bromide typefaces, after finding the definitions in a textbook and online and then adjusted everything accordingly, after which I printed, trimmed, and bound my book together finishing off with gluing the samples onto its pages.

For the substrate that I used to make this process book, I chose to go with printer paper, for it is easily accessible, affordable, and provides and easy print job that can be performed on all printers.

In making this project, I used an inkjet printer. Using an inkjet ensured a cleaner print and a similar image produced to whats seen on a computer with little to no alteration in color.

For the binding of my book, I decided to go with a spiral binding. This type of binding, though time consuming, makes for a longer lasting bind that holds the pages more securely.
I honestly didn't enjoy the process of making this book all too much, though I did learn that even if I didn't like the process that I could still appreciate the results. 
Printing Process Handbook

Printing Process Handbook
