It's Your Country. Enjoy it.

After the success of the global campaign, we decided to tackle the domestic problem: black South Africans don't travel their own country. There are a number of reasons for this, but three stood out: 
they feel it's expensive, they fear racism in other provinces and, they don't see themselves represented 
in tourism communication.

In light of all the national discussions around land, we had one message for South Africa: It's Your Country. Enjoy It. 

We launched a television commercial with a tongue in cheek song written in isiZulu, showing black South Africans really and truly enjoying the breadths of their country, their way.Shortlist - Loeries Africa & Middle East Creativity Awards 2018 - Non-English Film
Because radio still has the biggest reach in South Africa, we created 12 radio commercials in 10 official languages, respectively, with our character "Malume" using his dry humour to not only entertain, but highlight just how easy it is to travel the country.

Silver - Loeries Africa & Middle East Creativity Awards 2018 - Non-English Radio

We then put our mouths where the country's money really is, and the country went on sale. During Travel Week, we partnered with as many travel experiences as possible for 50% off deals; so people could enjoy their country without breaking bank.
It's Your Country. Enjoy it.