Sarah Whitfield's profile

2016/2017 Santa Rosa County Annual Report

Our annual report is done each year to highlight accomplishments in Santa Rosa County and to relay those accomplishments to our residents. Much of the photography throughout the report comes from our very own employees. We send out an email every year asking for employees to submit their photos to be considered for the annual report. The only stipulation is that they must be taken in Santa Rosa County.

Although this is a digital publication (we no longer have it printed), our residents still enjoy looking through the report to see their "tax dollars at work." It is also a morale boost for employees to look back and see what all their departments have accomplished and to see their photographs in the report.

This project was put together using a combination of Adobe InDesign (layout), Photoshop (image editing and graphics), Illustrator (graphs), and Lightroom (photo editing).
2016/2017 Santa Rosa County Annual Report

2016/2017 Santa Rosa County Annual Report

2016/2017 Annual Report to the citizens of Santa Rosa County, highlight accomplishments from the last fiscal year.
