How to be the Best Worst Tourist: Editorial Newspaper

Brief: Design & write the content for a newspaper based on experiences in art galleries & museums

We've all seen that tourist. Invading your personal space while staring at a piece of art, taking a few quick photos on their huge DSLR camera along with a quick selfie before flouncing off to the next 'attraction'. They most commonly seen camping in places like galleries, museums, monuments, and anything else which classes as a 'tourist' area. 

This newspaper is a guide on how to be that person, a heavily sarcastic newspaper describing typical actions which I have witnessed during my visits. The best worst tourist has clear instructions and diagrams to help you follow through the steps, demonstrated by the ever-so-dashing Winston!

Newspaper Design

Newspaper Design

This is an improved tabloid version of my previous publication, 'How To Be The Best Worst Tourist'
