There are a lot of photo-sharing apps and the most popular is Instagram. The purpose was to design an app for those who want to share photos for traveling. The app is social media for those who have a passion for traveling. Users can share photos, follow each other, and like and comment on each other’s photos. The feature that locates the nearest travelers differentiates the app from its competitors. The purpose of the app, is not only to share photos, but give an opportunity to passionate travelers to interact with each other.

Target Audience: People who have a passion for traveling, taking photos, sharing travel photos with others, and interacting with other travelers.


Sketching a variety of ideas is the most crucial step that any designer should start with. But before that, some researches should be done, to make sure that the needs of the audience are understood. Also, the researching process help to get to know other competitive apps and how to standout from them. There is not a lot of room to create when it is about apps that are of a social network category. However, the microinteraction is what makes this type of app stand out. During the process of sketching the user interfaces, I did not pay attention only to the layout, but also how these layouts are navigated.

The user experience design went through several tests where several people were asked to test the wireframes. Testing the app at an early process of designing, simplifies the process of designing as errors are captured early and fixed on time. Just think if a mistake was made in the layout and would be found in the final steps of designing. The corrections would require extra time that creates a delay in finishing the project.

Colors: To create a sense of freedom, joy, and energy, we went through a process of researching and combining colors. We even involved a real audience where we showed a group of people 10 different color combination. We asked them to choose one and and explained the reason why they made that choice. After, reading all the feedback I decided for shades of cyan, bright blue, gray, and magenta. This color scheme creates a sense of joy, energy, and freedom.
High-Fidelity Prototypes

The final product is designed with the user in mind. The purpose was to design a simple interface that is not only appealing, but easy to use for people of different ages. The app has a wide audience, and this was a challenge that was achieved successfully.
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Photo Sharing App

Photo Sharing App

There are a lot of photo-sharing apps and the most popular is Instagram. The purpose was to design an app for those who want to share photos for Read More
