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Amiibo Bride & Groom Cake Toppers

The Finished Product! Overall, I'm thrilled with how this turned out, it was a lot of work but it was well worth it. They  ended up being my favorite keepsakes from our wedding.
I started out by disassembling two villager amiibo using an exacto knife, and a heatgun. Luckily the groom didn't require much reshaping, so I took him apart to paint the more difficult-to-reach areas. Once he was all painted, I glued him together and he was good to go! I did add some flowers to the base to hide the symbol on the base.
The bride was much more complicated- but that's to be expected when it comes to a wedding! The dress was molded out of polyclay over top the existing clothing. The veil is from another toy- trimmed for the veil and for the tulle layers underneath the dress that hid the bride's shorts and sneakers. I made her a little bouquet, and created new sleeves out of clay so she wasn't in the same pose as the groom. I used nail polish remover to remove the eyes, and painted over the dress and some of the thinner parts of the clay. Finally, the hair is composed of gently twisted strips of clay  glued together.
Some glamour shots!
Amiibo Bride & Groom Cake Toppers


Amiibo Bride & Groom Cake Toppers

Custom Wedding Cake Topper Amiibo - Villager
