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Tequila Patron Ad Banner

THE TEQUILA PATRON BANNERS were designed for both a Mobile Full Expandable Unit and a Push Down Expandable Unit.

For the Mobile Full Expandable Unit, the design starts with a 320x50 collapse banner. Upon clicking, a full sized banner covers the mobile display, opening up a rich media expandable. The user has the ability to check on the brands upcoming events and location, choose cocktail recipes, or watch latest videos.

For the Push Down Expandable Unit, the design starts with a 970x66 collapsed panel. Upon clicking, a 970x250 expanded panel opens up, pushing the web contents down to accommodate the expanded size of the banner. The user has the ability to check on the brands upcoming events and location, choose cocktail recipes, or watch latest videos.
Tequila Patron Ad Banner

Tequila Patron Ad Banner
