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Man Alone

Man Alone

The object of work: the character of the "consumer society" based on the heritage of Erich Fromm. The purpose of the work: the search for artistic and expressive means for media materials to the essay of Erich Fromm "Man alone." The main tasks of the work: the study of the consumer society as a factor that transformed the value sphere and the position of man. The definition of the problem of human loneliness in the modern world of total consumption based on the essay of Erich Fromm.

The work raises the problem of the influence of the culture of consumption on all aspects of the life of modern people, focused on consumption or sale. Personality turns into a commodity, which is followed by alienation. Thus, a person turns out to be a stranger to himself, perceiving himself as a thing that must be profitable to sell - this is the goal of every modern individual. In this kind of alienation, the personality loses its uniqueness, now it is a commodity without feelings and emotions. At the heart of the stylistic decision lies the technique of collage, the predominant black and white color scale.

The predominant artistic method is the disintegration and transformation into the chaos of the elements of the video, as a symbol of the inevitable desire for the collapse of wholeness and identity.

Maria Callas – Ave Maria
Neo Fresco – Net Neutrality

Man Alone