I have never had emotions the way I did during Sense8. This is easily the best show I have ever seen. It had everything I look for in a show. It was overly dramatic at times, action packed at times, at least one great orgy scene per season, and the characters were perfectly developed. 
This is one of those shows that you will either hate or love by the third episode. This is not a show that is for everyone and most people may feel as though they don't get it or that this show just wasn't that good. It's hard to explain what the show is about, but I will try. 
The main premise of the show is that there are 8 different Sapiens around the world who become connected through an awesome birth scene and they can experience everything each other experiences at the same time. They can see and feel everything each of them see's or feels and they find out there is an evil organization who hunts and experiments/kills sense8's. They have to use share their talents with one and other to overcome the big bad organization in the show. It’s premise and execution of concept is fleshed out significantly better over the course of the first 4 or 5 episodes than I have explained it here.
After season 1 I was left breathless by the acting, music, character’s, and complex plot lines. Season 2 came and didn’t hold back. It was some of the best TV to date. Unfortunately, Netflix in its mighty wisdom felt like they were done with the show and canceled it after one of the biggest cliffhanger ending since Lost. This lead to fans of the show flooding Twitter and canceling their Netflix accounts. Within a week of backlash Netflix promised to bring the show back with a final episode allowing the show’s creators time to wrap up the story in a pretty little bow.
Let me tell you right now, they delivered. The last episode was two and a half hours of fan-gasm. It was its own orgy of plot, action, love, and closure. Which is what the fans needed. You can cancel a show when it’s on top of the world but damn you if you take away our closure. The final episode was a love letter to fans, so much so the last scene had the dedication “FOR THE FANS”. As the tears were just going away they played behind the scenes footage of the set’s and you could see the love that went into the show and I immediately teared up again. I was forever changed by that show and would recommend it to anyone.
Be warned there is a lot of sex, violence, and orgies in this show. If you think the word sex covers orgy then you have not seen the show yet. Orgies are n integral part to the development of character’s in the show and the best to ever be filmed (Sorry Westworld).
I have seen each season twice since it came out those few years ago and I know I will watch them again and again over the next few years.
Thank you to everyone involved in this spectacular show I am forever changed.

