Branding for an Indian spice store based in Mahne Yehuda Market (Jerusalem).
The (fictitious) shop also holds cooking classes and workshops. 
Branding course, 3rd year.
"Thali"  is the Indian name for a round platter used to serve food. It is also used to refer to an Indian-style meal made up of a selection of various dishes which are served on a platter (quoted from: Wikipedia).
Design inspirations: Mahne Yehuda Market & Jerusalem, Indian design, Hindi text, the balance between sharp lines and soft curves.
Spice containers: Laser-cut (stacked) and engraved plywood. The shapes were inspired by paisley patterns and the Thali plate (communal). They were designed to fit in the palm of one's hand.
Brochure - India's main spices
Thali (Branding)

Thali (Branding)

Branding for an Indian spice store in Jerusalem
