Terri with Baile An Salsa's founder, Andrés Martorell
Terri is the Social Media Director for Latin-Irish fusion band Baile An Salsa, award winning musician and storyteller Aindrias de Staic, and Aindrias' GypHop band The Latchikós. Her background in online publicity, computer science and artist relations enable her enthusiastic supportive efforts.
Driven by her passion for promoting independent music, Terri remains eager to explore new and exciting ways to share the talents of indie artists with a broader audience.
Terri's perseverance and desire to turn bold ideas into finished projects contributed to a triumphant crowdfunding endeavor, where an international group surpassed their goal during their first attempt at fundraising.
Additionally, she updated and improved the online presence of the musicians she works with by tackling major website revisions involving intelligent formatting and functional enhancements.
Terri understands that artists who are focused on their craft may neglect their online sites due to time constraints. Organization, collaboration and patience make it possible for her to bring artist's sites up to date.
Terri works as a freelance social media specialist and is always interested in working with creative people.
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Meet Terri

Meet Terri
