Joe Fernandes's profile

30 Day Logo Challenge - FAST

30 Day Logo Challenge - FAST

Hello! We're very excited to be working with you on the Fast branding! Fast is an online form generator where users can generate and interact with any kind of form like W9, contracts, etc. It's perfect for freelancers and home business. 

We'd like the word Fast to be the logo, with perhaps an icon that represents paper or a form. 

We also require it to be either blue or orange.

In this logo challenge, there are actually quite a lot of requirements. They require the logo to be blue or orange, it must be a typographic logo, and it must include the idea of paper or a form.
When faced with requirements, it might feel you're being boxed in. You should feel free to discuss some alternatives with your client, especially if you see an opportunity or reason something should be changed. 

However, this is a challenge series and you'll have to include the required! 
Thanks so much! 

Felix Powell Fast 
30 Day Logo Challenge - FAST


30 Day Logo Challenge - FAST

30 Day Logo Challenge - FAST
