I've work as Graphic Designer and Art Director free-lance for Reggio Emilia's City Government. During the last administration the City Government had initiate a policy of openness and inter-cultural dialogue with local foreign communities. The project was finance by AMITIE CODE (Capitalizing On Development), a European Commission funded project that involves Public Authorities and NGOs operating in 6 different European Countries. The main goal of the project is to raise awareness among citizens on migration, development and human rights and to train key actors on these issues, mainly teachers and civil servants working in Local Authorities. In my opinion, local communities and the involvement of young people in promoting human rights and sustainable lifestyles play a key role in facilitating change.
I designed the entire advertising campaign, both printed and digital, to promote the "Festival of the popular cultures", a series of public events towards the intercultural dialogue issue. The main graphic outputs were a manifesto, where have been show all the main activities for the Festival, and a serie of postcards, each one present a singular event with all the informations related.

European cities in the last ten years heavy changing in society, due to the migratory floods from Middle East and North Africa. The festival campaign wants to suggest a meeting between the different cultures despite an ideological fight, using old photos from first European overseas migrations. The visual was develop around the concept of the intercultural dialogue as a collage, mixing together different photos, illustrations and graphic due to realize a new urban and human landscape with both recognizable and don’t landmarks and ethnics.
For the "Human Right's Day" and the "International Migrant's Day",  I designed a social media campaign through Facebook, in order to visualize the storytelling of famous migrants that obtained fame and success due to their perseverance and skills, despite their political conditions.
The visual are an overlap of different images, faces and places to remind always where we are headed and from where we came. The backgrounds's images is a map overlays by the waves, to remind the humans movements across the earth and the seas.


Art direction for advertising and social media campaign and committed by the Government of Reggio Emilia city, to promote a series of events for Read More
