"Helping Hand" is a Bluetooth EMG activated orthotic grasping mechanism for patients with hemiparesis who desire to perform tasks that require dual hand dexterity.
It features a 3D printed scaffold uniquely contoured to the patient’s hand. It is covered with ergonomic foam, and attached to the scaffold are graspers that are powered by a servo motor and controlled by Bluetooth EMG linked to Arduino. When the patient flexes a muscle on a part of the body not affected by the stroke, the graspers lock onto a fixed position in space. This enables stroke survivors to perform tasks such as cutting fruit and vegetables, tasks that would otherwise be impossible. Since I was the only mechanical engineer on this diverse team, I drew up the prototype and its accompanying parts using Solidworks, 3D printed, assembled, and integrated with the electronics.
Helping Hand

Helping Hand

"Helping Hand" is an orthotic grasping mechanism for patients with hemiparesis who desire to perform tasks that require dual hand dexterity
