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How to Overcome Communication Gap in Relationships?

No relationship is all smiles and sunshine; it is ought to have its own ups and downs. All of us really relish the thought of coming home every day to this one person we cherish the most but fail to handle the reality of it once you actually have the same routine. The most common problem that couples face is “communication gap”. Once you get into this routine where you know what the other is doing at a particular time, the relationship starts losing out its charm. It gets too predictable, and very monotonous, the talks get limited to the very basic and same questions every day, and the routine you so wished for, starts to feel a little stale.

This is where the relationship takes its big leap; it changes for romantic to boring! Either of you would start detaching emotionally, and that is one things start getting rough. But there is always a solution if you want to make things work. Here are a few tips to make your “boring” talks with bae as fresh as ever, and to bring back the spark into the relation:

1. Change the routine
The very robotic home-work-home routine hampers your love life the most. The routine is so set that you have your fixed spot to park, to sit, and even a fixed way that you knock the door after work. The solution is simple; break this routine! You, of course, cannot change the office hours, you can surely change the way you greet your significant other, or maybe change the after-work routine with a set of new activities for the day. This gives you a new thing to talk about.

2. Be humble
There will always be topics that you won’t have common thoughts about. But that should never mean that you demean the other one, simply because they hold a different opinion. Be very humble and listen to their point too, even if you do not agree upon it.

3. Tell your significant other that you love them
The power of a simple “I love you” is among-st the most underrated solutions ever. Just saying a simple “I love you” works as a miracle when you are trying to break the cold spell. There is nothing that can melt a woman's heart than an “I love you” from their favorite person! This brighten ups the mood, and hence couple conversations become smoother.

4. Use open-ended questions
Change the way in which you form the question. Asking questions with a straight yes or a no reply is often a deal breaker. It does not give you, or your significant other the chance of conversing well. So, just re-frame your questions or take a pre-crafted relationship questionnaire, and you’ll be glad that you did! For example, instead of “Was it fine?” ask “How was it?”

5. Keep your Phones Away
If you are serious about bridging the communication gap, and for a better connection with your spouse, and even the family, you will have to disconnect your phones for a while. The weekends should very specifically be your significant other’s. Do not spoil it by trying to multitask.

Communication isn’t solely about talking, it is also about listening. You need to have the patience enough to listen to what the other has to say, without being distracted by other things, or by just avoiding it. It is more like a conscious decision that you take to improve your relationship. Let your significant other feel that they are worth your time, patience, and most importantly love.
The Relationship Talk