The Problem: Indoor plants are beautiful and refreshing. But keeping them can also be confusing and frustrating without the knowledge and the experience, since, well, the plants don’t talk.
The project is aimed to develop an indoor plant system to make keeping plants easier for the people in the Chinese market. The system should provide an ideal condition for keeping plants indoor while making the conditions of the plants better understood by their owners.
The target users are the young individuals who live an urban lifestyle. They keep or are willing to keep some indoor plants. However, they don’t necessarily have the time or experience to take  good care of them. Based on the definition of the target users, the persona is developed.
The concept of the system is narrowed down to an intelligent plant container that detects the conditions of the plants such as humidity, temperature, and luminance, and reports those data to the users. The plant container should provide features such as drainage and ventilation to make sure it is a good habitat for the plants.
Digital presentation made by 2D rendering technique was applied to evaluate the concepts and to explore different types of materials.
Design Showcase
Sprout is an intelligent indoor plant container. By applying multiple sensors, Sprout allows the plant to “communicate” with its owner. The container itself is also a comfort home for the plant.
The user can read the status of the plant soil from the indicator lights. Knowing what the plant needs now becomes much easier.
To provide detailed information and data, Sprout is companied with an APP on mobile platforms.
It is also important to bring out the beauty of the plants with colors. To satisfy different needs, Sprout comes with a range of two different dimensions, and 8 various colors to choose from.


Sprout is an intelligent plant pot developed for the Chinese market. The plant pot measures the humidity, the temperature, and the light intensit Read More
