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The Amazon rainforest arrived to Bogota ads

"LLegó el Amazonas a Bogotá"
The Amazon (rainforest) arrived to Bogota. 

The National Museum of Bogota was doing an exposition were the Amazon rainforest's fauna, flora and culture was going to be displayed. As a creative idea for the key visuals/ads we decided to take the exposition literally and show a few typical elements of the amazon rainforest right in the middle of the city.

Agency: Mullen Lowe-SSP3
Copywriter: Felipe Charry
Art director: Daniel Sarmiento
Photographer: Javier Crespo
Client: Museo Nacional


The Amazon rainforest arrived to Bogota ads

The Amazon rainforest arrived to Bogota ads

Key visuals done for an exposition in the National Musem of Bogota that showcased the amazon rain forest, fauna, flora and culture.
