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Enfield HVAC Contractor: Air Conditioner Upgrades

When To Replace Or Repair Your Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner, at one point or another, will eventually come to the end of its lifespan. When this happens, hopefully you are prepared. Many unsuspecting homeowners don't realize that their air conditioner is on its way out until they come home from being out and the temperature of their house matches the scorching temperature outdoors. If you have ever had to deal with this situation, you know that you never want to again. Fortunately, there are some signs that you can look out for to prevent this circumstance from happening to you. Below, we will list some aspects to look out for that indicate that it is time for an AC replacement.

The Age Of Your Air Conditioner

When your central AC system is between 10-15 years, then it is time to start shopping around. Most cooling systems will last up to 15 years when they receive proper maintenance such as an annual tune-up each year. However, as an AC unit ages, it performs less efficiently, costing you more than a newer model to run it. If you are faced with a repair for your old AC, then it may be time to replace it instead.

High Operating Costs

As mentioned above, an AC loses some of its efficiency as it ages. Also, old ACs have a lower SEER rating than the current models on the market. Therefore, if you are paying an arm and a leg on your energy costs, it is time for a replacement.

Frequent Repairs

As an air conditioner ages, it breaks down often. These breakdowns are normal due to wear and tear. If you eventually are facing a major repair that would cover a significant portion for a new AC, then it is better to invest your money on a new unit rather than repairing your old one.

Your Home Is Hot & Sticky

An air conditioner that is old will have a hard time keeping up with your comfort needs. When you notice that you feel uncomfortable in your home, then it is time for a replacement.

Enfield HVAC Contractor: Air Conditioner Upgrades

Enfield HVAC Contractor: Air Conditioner Upgrades
