For this project I was challenged to draw a mythological creature for screen print. I chose the swine flu as my mythological creature because of all the myths and hysteria it generated a few years ago. The dramatic and constant media coverage of the "swine flu" blew a serious but managable issue into a crisis in the minds of many. What most people preached as fact about the dangers and threats posed by the disease were simply untrue or great exagerations. People were going to the emergency room for runny noses. Schools and bussinesses were shut down on a moments notice if anyone showed symptoms. Now that its over the hype is over it seems silly. What many people think of as the swine flu and what really existed are totally different things. My portrayal is of the mythological, apocolyptic, super deadly, mysterious contagion that could end the world at any minute, as the swine flu was often falsely portrayed. 
I'll scan and post some actual prints when I get them.


My interpretation of the H1N1 virus and the myths that surrounded it.
