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PROIMEX - Guangzhou Exhibition (China) 2017

@credit to Paris Aguilar and Maria F.Gonzales as designers
The Trendy Factory Lab

For Canton Fair phase 3, in Guangzhou, in 2017, we designed and build a 3x6 Booth with 2 walls, for an underwear company, named Proimex.

The booth wasn’t very big so the main issue was to find a way to bring many samples without making the place look crowded.

The general display is a combination of products, information and typographies; we used the holographic trend that was going on in fashion, on the catwalks and magazines, during this year. The color did attract many buyers who were looking to continue on this trend.
In addition, to catch the attention fast enough, we used a huge photography of a woman in bright colours, fitting the general display environment.

We saved space as well by using tables made out of glass that would be used as showcasing samples but also as meeting tables.

To finish, we believe interacting with the passerby is a very important practice in order to be noticed and remembered in a crowded place such as the Canton Fair, in China. To do so, we made a video of woman dancing in the underwear samples, showing the stretch and colourful products that were actually in disposal on the hangers. We also added a VR tour of the factories to give a first idea of what to expect if working with Proimex.
PROIMEX - Guangzhou Exhibition (China) 2017

PROIMEX - Guangzhou Exhibition (China) 2017
