mingle - iPhone app hack
Hang with the right crowd.
When professionals go to meetups, social gatherings, or any work-related event, the first thing on their mind is usually to network and meet other professionals. But how many times have you been to such an event where you barely know anyone, and end up missing the opportunity of meeting people who could be of interest to you or even helpful to your careers?

Here's where mingle comes in! 

With mingle, users connect with their LinkedIn profiles and check in at the venue of the event they're attending. They are then presented with a list of the other people at this event who have checked in with mingle, classified as either 'Big Shots' (famous and highly successful people) or as people whose profiles are similar to that of the user.
After checking their profiles, the user gets a better idea of who they are and whether he's interested in meeting them - and the next move is his to call! 

The final step, connecting to the user, was left unautomated as I believe a tinge of human social interaction is still necessary and crucial to have.
App start screen.
After some brainstorming for concepts and ideas, I combined the sketches I made for each screen sequentially to have a clear user flow to refer to later on. The first step, which would normally only show up in the first time use, is for the user to connect with his LinkedIn account. Then, he's supposed to check in to the venue where the event is taking place, and he's consequently directly presented with a list of results. Tapping on any of those results would lead him to the profile of that user, showing some relevant information grabbed from that user's LinkedIn account.


Hang with the right crowd.
