Demo Reel 2017
A couple of projects made for Portal Aberta during the fall-winter of 2017. All the video animation was made by me, while the illustrations were produced by the graphic design team (with the exception of the Philippines and Brazil scene (0:24), that I did it myself).

Portal Aberta is a website for e-Learning that intends to "contribute to the expansion, diversification, and articulation of knowledge in line with the national debate on policies and actions for health promotion, prevention, harm reduction and care for problems related to drug use." Its promoted by the National Secretariat for Drug Policy (SENAD) in partnership with the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). 

The only project that doesn't belong to the Portal Aberta is the opening of the Escuta course (0:32), made during the early of 2018 by the Secretariat for Drug Policy at UFSC and promoted by SENAD.
                            Voiceovers                                  Illustrators

                   Maria Alice C. Echevarrieta                                    Lucas Bruni
                            Felipe Almeida                                          Matheus Lufiego
                          Luiz Gabriel Braun                                      
                         Juna Alvez Schmidt

Thank you!
Demo Reel 2017

Demo Reel 2017

Compilado de vídeos produzidos em estilo Motion Graphics.
