Flyer Designs 2018
This was made for the Waukesha County Democratic Party for there fundraising dinner. This was a wonderful project that took three months. I learned a lot from this project working with a party getting their message across.
front page of Waukesha county democratic party flyer
back page of Waukesha county democratic party flyer
My high school art department wanted a new flyer for there spring art show. With this design I wanted to capture something that was colourful and catch peoples attention. I always like something more windy and smooth when it comes to my projects and I feel like this demonstrates the motion of art. The feeling that something is moving so that's why I had this splatter of paint but made sure it did not take away from the the information.
waukesha south spring art show 2017
The "Gay Straight Alliance" (GSA) wanted a new flyer to tell people when the meetings are. I wanted to go with the phrase "Stand together" to portray there message. I decided to have hands holding to also show the message but also included the gay pride flag to show even more connection.
stand together GSA flyer
Thank you very much for looking through my work!
Instagram: @maxcreator
Linkedin: Max
Flier Designs


Flier Designs


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