A fictional faction from Warframe (2013) became the main inspiration in this typeface. They are known to not only produce superior technology but also masterpieces. They are also believe to be obsessed with power and luxury. This is evident from the remains of their empire, which spot massive white structures decorated with gold trims and ornaments. Their design reflect class and superiority which may be a reflection to their status. Their design appeared to be based off organic shape. Notably shapes of flowers. This features can seen more clearly from various writings/ carvings on the places.  

The typeface Times New Roman became the base of this typeface. This is due to the typeface invoking a sense of nostalgia. Especially since that it was one of the most recognisable and most used typeface back in 2000s. This is because this typeface can be considered to belong to “ancient” era. Serif font is replaced by san-serif in modern day usage.  This gave the inspiration to reimagine this typeface, that is to use creativity and give orokin aesthetic onto it.

The typeface is called "Roman Prime" due to it being based off a serif typeface while prime is a suffix used by the orokin to distinguished their creations from immitators.

Orokin terraformed moon, Lua
Remains of the orokin empire
enquiries on this typeface can asked in the comment section. The font file for this typeface can be downloaded using the link below:

Warframe (2013)  published by Digital Extremes (2018)
Roman Prime | Typeface

Project Made For

Roman Prime | Typeface
