Character Creator
Character creation is a very important part of any video game. The beauty of video games is it's ability to completely immerse the player, and what better way to do this than to allow the player to create any representation of themselves that they wish?

The process for making this character creator is fairly involved. First, a base character model needs to be created in Adobe Fuse CC.
Once the base character has been created, Export the character to Mixamo to obtain some base animations. Mixamo also contains some great base character models. If you're starting out with character creation, this site is fantastic!

After you export your character from Mixamo, time to add some blend shapes! Some programs refer to these as morph targets. I import the .fbx file I obtained from Mixamo into Maya LT.
After adding your blend shapes, time to export a .fbx file from Maya and import into Unreal Engine 4!

Character Models: Adobe Fuse CC
Character Animations: Mixamo
Character Creator