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203 X Gyeonghyang News paper

203 X Kyunghyang Newspaper:
What is a straw?

Recently, images of sea turtles suffering from a 12cm-long straw stuck in their nostrils were circulated on social media.
Oceanographers Christine Figner and a team of researchers from A&M University in Texas explore the coast of Costa Rica in Central America. This is a video of a sea turtle I met. Although it was three years ago, it was recalled in line with the plastic waste issue.
The move to reduce the consumption of plastic has already begun. South Korea also began to regulate plastic after suffering from a "recycling waste." Mugs have become common in coffee shops for months. 
However, it is an exception to this. Because of its small size, it is difficult to categorize and its economy is low so it cannot be recycled. It is also excluded from government regulation. They are incinerated, reclaimed, or discharged into the sea, threatening the lives of marine life.
There is no statistics on how much straw we are using. Considering that the Ministry of Environment and environmental organizations usually use straws in plastic cups, it is estimated that they are used as plastic cups.
The Kyunghyang Shinmun has produced an infographic that considers the existence of a straw in our daily lives. The straw is used everyday, but it is also the easiest to give up.

최근 콧구멍 안에 12cm 길이 빨대가 박혀 고통스러워하는 바다거북의 영상이 소셜미디어를 타고 회자됐다.
해양학자 크리스틴 피그너와 텍사스 A&M 대학의 연구팀이 중미 코스타리카 연안을 탐사하다 만난 바다거북을 촬영한 영상이다. 3년 전 일이지만 최근 플라스틱 쓰레기 이슈와 맞물려 다시 소환됐다.
플라스틱 소비를 줄이려는 움직임은 이미 시작됐다. 한국도 ‘재활용 쓰레기 대란’을 겪은 후 플라스틱 규제에 나섰다. 몇 달 새 커피전문점에서 머그컵이 흔해졌다. 
하지만 빨대는 예외다. 작은 크기 때문에 분류도 어렵고 경제성도 낮아 재활용이 되지 않는다. 정부 규제에서도 빠져 있다. 소각, 매립되거나 바다에 그대로 배출돼 해양생물의 목숨을 위협한다.
우리가 얼마나 많은 빨대를 쓰고 있는지 집계한 통계도 존재하지 않는다. 환경부나 환경단체에서 빨대를 보통 테이크아웃하는 플라스틱컵에 꽂아 쓴다는 점을 감안해 ‘플라스틱컵 사용량=빨대 사용량’으로 추산할 뿐이다.
경향신문은 우리 일상에서 ‘가늘고 길지만 치명적인’ 빨대의 존재를 생각해보는 인포그래픽을 제작했다. 빨대는 매일 쓰고 있지만 가장 포기하기 쉬운 플라스틱이기도 하다.
Sung Hwan Jang
Current 203 X Design Studio CEO | He worked as an editorial designer in <Reader's Digest>, Yonhap News Graphic News Team, <Weekly Donga>, <Science Donga> and established the 203 X Design Studio in 2003 in front of Hongik University. Since then, he has been publishing a neighborhood magazine <STREET H>, which records in front of Hongik University in 2009, He founded the Infographic Lab in 2012 and hosted the Infographic Group exhibition at YOON DesignLab Gallery.
203 X infographicslab STAFF 오태경, 최영훈, 유남희

HONGDAE neighborhood magazine <STREET H>
203 X Gyeonghyang News paper

203 X Gyeonghyang News paper

Recently, images of sea turtles suffering from a 12cm-long straw stuck in their nostrils were circulated on social media. Oceanographers Christin Read More
