Tom Pesto is a character in a comic series by the same name first created by Elijah Aikens in the Summer of 2017.

Tom is not meant to represent the author or anyone in particular, but represents a variety of qualities attributed to a variety of individuals. Tom is sometimes portrayed as a human and sometimes as a robot. At all times this comic has been an expression of some of the things going on in and around my life. Tom is at his core a dis-functional but like-able character.

I chose to go with a simple art style because at first that was all I could manage. However now, Tom is drawn simply to reinforce the idea that his interpretations of himself (and his world) are simple and lack nuance, but also that the hidden truths in life are often more simple than we realize at times. 

If these comics make you feel weird, good.

If they make you think, even better.

If they make you laugh and feel a little less alone, I'm glad they helped.

Tom Pesto Comics

Tom Pesto Comics

The Tom Pesto Comics series - humor, satire, hope, defeat, daily trials, and hatred for cacti
