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The Lifestyle of a Reality TV Star

The Lifestyle of a Reality TV Star
Today entertainment has become a big business, many famous reality TV stars and producers are making money from it. As you flick through your television, you will find many reality TV shows are running, and they are continuously gaining high TRP. The fact is very simple, the more entertainment you get, the more money the show producers and TV stars will earn. Well, whenever we see TV stars, we see them in very expensive clothes and accessories. Thus, we assume that the lifestyle of a reality TV star is very luxurious. But are they really? Things are not always as you quite think, because reality TV shows are built on certain reality grounds and made to get the public to view. However, these reality individuals do work very hard to make their shows successful.

What reality TV stars do for the success of their shows?
They do hard work. It is very simple to understand because whenever we see famous reality TV stars in their shows, we watch their best performances. Which is why the use of social media is vital in their success. We have seen how fast and efficient social media allows people to connect with one another. One video could turn viral in an instant. And as a rising reality TV star, you can use social media as a tool to give updates regarding your life to the general public. Some people say programs can be scripted to attract more viewers, but these reality TV stars put their whole effort in making them entertaining for people. Today there are many TV reality shows like, Big Brother, X Factor and so on. All of them are showing something different. The trend is spreading rapidly all over the world. Today not only in UK or USA, but in many other countries also reality TV shows are gaining popularity. All kinds of performers are being showcased through these shows, some are opening doors to new dancers, actors, singers to get success, whilst some are representing a great platform to chefs so that they can be better in their career. It is all about making good TRPs and making a career of newcomers.

They are offering you the best:
People are bored of watching daily soaps and these kinds of shows are reducing people’s interest in TV. Fortunately, concept of reality TV shows has started to take over, and it’s offering a new life to TV shows. Reality TV stars can introduce their hidden talent to the world as a newcomers in the TV industry, making these shows an excellent platform to introduce themselves and further their career with their other talents if they have any.
It’s true that reality TV stars do hard work for the success of their shows. Many people do not know that many reality TV shows are recorded in the night, 24 hours of their day or simply share most their life to the public. Many famous reality TV stars work long hours and may pull a few publicity stunts to help the show. It is all about representing an excellent show to the public. No one wants to tweet or share about a boring show, drama, excitement is great for the producers and directors. With the use of social media, one can be able to show bits of their life through posting on Instagram, perhaps updating their stories or “My Day” on Facebook. Or even promote their own shows through their own personal or fan-base pages.

Pros and Cons of being a Reality TV star:
TV stars often get paid by the top industry leading giants. They can also serve as a brand ambassador and promote any product or service. However, when it comes to their private life, they often strive to lead a normal life. They also give less time to their family and children when working, which could depress them and make them feel low. Most of the TV stars manage their time, but it is difficult to strike a perfect balance between personal and professional life. Having the cameras following them around all the time is not normal, and should their show be dropped/cancelled they could go from a very busy life to being a has-been. This can be very challenging and hard to accept, sometimes as quickly as you rise is as quick as you fall.

People may think that it is very easy to become a reality TV star, but it needs huge practice. Famous reality TV stars perform well because they know how to represent themselves and their shows. It may take some time to become good if you are a beginner in this field. It is not all about making good money right away, but about presenting what you want people to see, as it’s your reality. It also have a huge and harmful effect on teens. New generation reality TV stars thrive more on sensationalism to always be out there on the news rather than talent. It affect teens greatly for they emulate the reality star’s behaviour. Some even imitate real stunts which is shown on televisions under controlled conditions and would result to some teens dying. There are also shows in which they let participants use greed and meanness to outdo each other and win the prizes.
Being a reality TV star is a great and interesting career, but before even entering the life of a reality TV star, be sure to stay strong with your principles. Instead of causing and promoting bad things, be a role model for the youth and people who follow you.
The Lifestyle of a Reality TV Star

The Lifestyle of a Reality TV Star


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