GDC YAY Promotional Video - Lego Movie

Our Concept

This concept Shows off GDC’s A-Team, made up of an Interior, Graphic and Multimedia Designer. The Lego characters possess character traits of a design discipline that Grade 10’s can relate to and decide which discipline they want to go into. The concept of the Lego movie is to showcase GDC’s mission statement of being a leader in design Education and empowering students for the real world by building up young designers to become leaders in design.
Each Lego character will have character traits that makes them unique to the GDC A-Team, that Grade 10’s can relate to because they themselves aren’t sure of their future paths. Creating these traits allows Grade 10’s to consider if they have the same traits as one of the GDC A-Team characters and associating themselves with one of them.
The Promotional Video
Our Value Adding Concept
As a marketing value add to our concept we have designed a die that visitors can build while at GDC on World Design Design Day as part of an interactive activity experience. Our three characters are cardboard cut outs too which students can select from to build on the day. The dies are pre-cut to create a pop out that can just be built, no cutting required and risk of injury in minimal.
World Design Day LEGO character die cuts
GDC YAY Promotional Video - Lego Movie

GDC YAY Promotional Video - Lego Movie

As part of the 2nd Year Multimedia Curriculum at Greenside Design Center, students were tasked with conceptualizing, designing and executing a pr Read More
