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Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci
1. An Italian
2. A painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, military engineer and draftsman
3. Renaissance man
4. Leonardo da Vinci’s famous paintings and artwork
-Vitruvian Mam
-The Last Supper
-Mona Lisa
5. Painting Techniques
-Chiaroscuro: a stark contrast between darkness and light that gave a three-dimensionality to da Vinci’s figures.
-Sfumato: a technique in which subtle gradations, rather than strict borders, infuse 
6. paintings with a softer, smoky aura.
7. To more accurately depict those gestures and movements, da Vinci began to study anatomy seriously and dissect human and animal bodies during the 1480s.
8. He filled dozens of notebooks with finely drawn illustrations and scientific observations.
Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci


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