Animated GIF Project

Objective : You will create an animated GIF using Adobe Photoshop. You will take a historical image or well know piece of art and alter the static image and inlay elements of modern culture. You will learn to use the Timeline function bringing in these “animated” elements into the fixed landscapes-turned-gifs. 

First Initial Classical Pictures

So these three were my initial classical pieces of art to choose to make a animated GIF. I wanted to make something simple, because I was going to be using a program I was not familiar with so I chose to use the photo above and select and mask the child from another picture and then select and mask another part of a kite and connect it to the boy to make it look like he was flying it. So I thought this will be the simplest and also sorta give me a challenge.

So this is my final piece of work, unfortunately because of time issues we could not figure out how to connect the string on to the custom path which we created in after effects. But we were able to create a custom path and put the kite that I masked out and were able to put it on that custom path connecting it from where it started just making one big loop. So overall I thought this project went really well if we had a couple more days I think we would of figured it out and it would of worked out well.



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