Patryk Urban's profile

The Healing Power of Trees

In the ancient slavic culture, trees were a connector between different realms of cosmos, and are connnected with the "symbolic centre”. That is why the trees like oak birch basswood or pine were planted nearby places of worship like churches, chapels, or cemeteries. 
People also like to plant trees near roads and road intersections as they believed the threes had a protective force. 
In the middle ages people use to worship some mighty oak trees, specifically ones that got hit by lightning, which were believed to have been marked by the gods themselves.

Today we have few trees left from the ancient times. 
For me personally, walking into a forrest in a moment of overwhelm has an incredible therapeutic nature. Some of the photographs below have been taken during this process of self therapy.

Others were taken thanks to my curiousness. 
The Healing Power of Trees

The Healing Power of Trees

A photography project/study during which I spent more than two years discovering the nuances of trees
