Maverick Ran's profile

MICA Competitive Scholarship 2019

Diptych: Through Winter and Spring, Baltimore 2018(1 of 2),  40''x30'', Oil and Acrylic on canvas
Diptych: Through Winter and Spring, Baltimore 2018(2 of 2),  40''x30'', Oil and Acrylic on canvas
白色卡纸(White Paper), 22''x30'', Oil on canvas
绿色卡纸(Green Paper), 40''x30'', Oil and acrylic on canvas
下岗面(Dinner), 24''x36', Oil on canvas
儿童乐园(Wonderland), 18"x24", Oil on canvas
工地(Construction Site),18''x18'', Oil on canvas
状元杂食店(Grocery Store), 30''x40", Oil on black velvet
侨宏渔港 (Dining Cruise), 32''x40'', Oil on black velour
撸起袖子加油干(Game Room), 30''x40'', Oil on canvas
MICA Competitive Scholarship 2019

MICA Competitive Scholarship 2019


Creative Fields