FRESH AIR is a hiking app made for people with asthma.
While deciding how to approach this challenge, my first instinct was to turn to myself
and ask what motivates ME to exercise (not a lot). But personally, I am motivated by
activities with rewards beyond just exercise. I settled on hiking as a context to work
within because of its multitudes of rewards: fresh, crisp air, scenery, AND physical

After I found the context, I thought about people. Who were the people in my life who
had the most trouble exercising? My dad came to mind. He had lung cancer, which
caused severe emphezyma, so even walking upstairs was difficult for him, let alone
walking up a mountain. But hiking could really benefit someone with breathing trouble
because the air is fresher than what they are used to.

So I set out to create a system for people with asthma that makes hiking possible and
enjoyable. I talked to people in the medical field, people with asthma, and people who
hike. They discussed the motivation factors of a community, and a plan to make sure
they are fully prepared beforehand. To address this, I created an app with an overview
of the daily air quality, a calendar, and reminders. I also included a built-in community of
comments and reviews to assure users they are not alone.

