Red Crown Rainbow Crane | Watercolor | 23 x 15 in
Wave Surfer | Zinc Press Engraving | 4 x 4 in
Wave Surfer - Detail
Pristine - Light on Darkness | White Ink over black Canson | 12 x 19 in
The Hermit | Airbrush | 19 x 10 in
The Hermit - Detail
The First Visit | Color Pencils over cotton paper | 10 x 5 in
Freedom | Charcoal pencil on cotton paper | 20 x 13 in
Immensity | Prismacolors on cotton paper | 12 x 19 in 
Immensity - Detail | 4 inches long
The Rock Sage | Watercolor and Watercolor pencil | 12 x 19 in
Yes | Oil on canvas | 36 x 24 in
Yes - Detail
Birth | Airbrush on cotton paper | 12 x 19 in
Life | Airbrush and Acrylics | 19 x 11 in
Life - Detail
Self Portrait | Pencil on paper | 10 x 8 in
Strokes, Colors and Light

Strokes, Colors and Light
