Our Journey With...
Yikes Magazine 
Olivia Quebrada

Assistant Editors
Issah Nalzaro
Tola Folarin-Coker
Our journey began with an idea -- that confusion plagues everyone. Whatever kind it be, confusion becomes a weight on your shoulders that infects your mind with fear, doubt, and the perpetual feeling that you should be doing something, even if you don't know what.

We began to think about how we can portray this confusion of identity in a magazine. Not just this, but we wanted to highlight why people  shouldn't be so terrified of gray in a world of black and white.
We decided to try and brainstorm potential features. All of these concepts send people to the edge, and all became topics that we, as editors, could relate to. 
I expanded on a topic close to me. As someone who is pansexual, 
I find it hard to have to explain to people around me exactly who I am. I find it odd to have to prove to other people my identity, when all that's really important is that I love people. Sometimes, I just tell people I'm bisexual, so they don't get confused. 

It begs the question -- what's the importance of a label when I'm just a human who loves humans?
We also expanded on gender identity in our main feature. We interviewed a friend who is currently transitioning from male to female, and the journey she's been experiencing confusion for almost the past decade of her life.

We prepared the piece with a photo shoot, set up at our university's photography studios. We had several goals to reach, but due to the sensitivity of the subject, some of the body language was subdued. 

This ended up working for the better. What better way to show how her journey will continue then to capture where she began?
After all the work was put in, we completed our magazine. 
I hope you enjoyed it.​​​​​​​
Yikes Magazine

Yikes Magazine

Yikes Magazines breaks boundaries by coming face to face with humanity's biggest issue in modern society -- fear of the unknown.
